I don't normally post on Saturdays, it's outside the original mission statement of this blog, but since I mentioned these in the LL Dorkmo entry, I thought they ought to get their due.
These are my original GBX pull-on shoes; you know, I don't even know what we're supposed to call these things? They're not "loafers" although they don't have laces. They sometimes call them "mocassins" but that's a pretty liberal interpretation of the semantics of that word. If "comfy, not appropriate for work unless you work around the house" is what you mean by "moccassin" I suppose you could get away with that but really. Pocahontas never had injection molded soles, gimme a break. While these shoes look like crap, they're very comfortable, and have a great sole that doesn't slip. I recently glued the tread back on with some Elmer's flexible plastic glue, and it's holding up great so far. It's a funny thing about shoes. I love new shoes, I love all kinds of shoes, but I also fall in love with particular pairs of shoes that have served me well.
Many years ago (more than 20, that's how long ago) an Indian friend of mine was blabbing on about how wasteful Americans are, how we're a disposable culture, toss everything out when it breaks, rather than fix it. To which I replied, "what about our sneakers?". That stopped her in her tracks. She thought for a minute and said, "That's not even natural, that's like a love affair. Americans won't even throw out decrepit sneakers with holes in them that are falling off their feet and held together with duct tape."
And speaking of not wasting usable clothes, please pay no attention to the mis-matched socks. It's Saturday, clothes don't have to match on Saturday's, that's the rule. Saturday is leftover day, when you make lunch from the odds and ends from the week's dinner leftovers, and I've naturally extended that to clothing as well. I mean, you wouldn't want to waste your good clothes that you could wear to work just vacuuming and tidying up and doing laundry, would you? And after all, these two socks are the same kind of sock, my favorite online retailer, http://sockdreams.com, their own brand of "slouch sock" made in a wild array of colors. They're kind of too small these days, because, shh, don't tell anyone, but I'm cross dressing, they're actually sized for women. At any rate, why waste two perfectly good socks just because their mates went on a walkabout? Apparently, I mortified my partner this morning by going to a local favorite restaurant for brunch in these socks. So I'll wear long pants next time. I suppose we probably wouldn't be together if he'd known me when I was pursuing my "See if I can embarrass my friends with my appearance" personal challenge.
Hey, everyone needs a hobby. And in this town, didn't used to be you could get thrown out of a restaurant for how you were dressed. But it was so much fun to try.
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