These shoes are nearly brand new and if they weren't so damn comfy I would have returned them, because shoes like this belong only on people who say things like "a-yup" and "woo doggies! that's a kick in the carbuncle!" and are called things like "Papaw" or "Grampops" by their younguns' younguns. They're LL Bean Suede Comfort Mocs, men's size 8.5 wide, and as wide shoes go, they are very narrow. They fit like a glove and are so damn comfy it makes me want to cry. Maybe that's my next career, making comfortable shoes for old fat guys with bad backs and a keen sense of style.
I bought these to replace my original GBX suede slip-ons, which at the time were considered weird and ugly, and yet two years later every nimrod and their cousin, the same nimrods and cousins who called my shoes ugly, were wearing knock-offs of this very style. Turns out a little Elmer's plastic glue and some heavy duty spring clamps was all I really needed to fix those old shoes right up, it was just the treads were coming unglued after 10 years of hard use. They're once again good enough to wear while working in the garage and falling off of step-stools, comfortable enough for trawling around town on a Saturday, yet cruddy enough to not have to worry about spilling paint on. These replacements were meant to replace those venerable old kicks, but of course, being new and all, and even though I find them hideous, I don't want to actually spill paint on them just yet. Plus, they're great for strolling unperturbed through airport security, and I blend right in at the Luby's early bird special. Oh, and did I mention that they caress my feet, molding to my sole, every step an epiphany of pure bliss?
Are these better or worse then my El Dorkmo's, the New Balance sneakers I blogged about?
Are those turquoise slouchie socks I spy?